Turning Engagement into a Regional Dialogue Mechanism in the Middle East

تاريخ الإضافة السبت 19 حزيران 2021 - 6:30 ص    عدد الزيارات 1211    التعليقات 0


Turning Engagement into a Regional Dialogue Mechanism in the Middle East

Originally published in World Politics Review

Dialogue seems to be in vogue in today’s Middle East. Iranian and American negotiators are in Vienna to find a way to restore the 2015 nuclear deal that President Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018. Iranian and Saudi security officials recently held meetings in Baghdad to mend their relations. and United Nations-led efforts to deescalate and end the war in Yemen are picking up steam. While these processes remain fragile, they present an important opportunity to establish a broader regional dialogue that aims to lessen tensions by opening new channels of communication, the time for which is ripe.



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